∙ Control bacteria and viruses in the air and exposed surfaces
∙ Improve infection control and hygiene standards for staff & visitors
∙ Reduce absenteeism and labour costs
∙ Clear embarrassing odours and eliminate masking agents
∙ Perfect for use in care homes, hospitals, dentists and waiting rooms
Manage infectious and non-infectious waste including medical & industrial
Operate safely with quality, tested personal protective equipment including face masks, shields, gloves & aprons
Effective and discrete waste mangement service across multiple industries including care, residential, tattoo & body piercing
Sharps Waste Disposal
The SHARPSGUARD® eco cyto range is used for the disposal of sharps that have been contaminated with cytotoxic or cytostatic medicines.
The SHARPSGUARD® eco orange range is used for the disposal of sharps that have not been contaminated with medicines.
The SHARPSGUARD® eco yellow range is used for the disposal of sharps that have been contaminated with medicines, but not cytotoxic or cytostatic.
Hand Dryer Systems
Hand Washing Systems
Nappy Disposal
Sanitary Waste Systems
Toilet Tissue Systems
Toilet Sanitising Systems
Urinal Systems
Water Control & Management
Hand Cleansers
Cleaning Chemicals
Eco-friendly Cleaning Products
Colour Coded Cleaning Equipment
Paper Products
PPE supplies
Hygiene Vending Products
Waste Bags
Clinical Waste
Offensive Waste
Tattoo Waste
Pharmaceutical Waste
Sharps Disposal
High Visibility
Flame Retardant
PPE Supplies
Bandages & Supports
Blankets & Bedding
Essential & Sundry Items
Eyecare Protection
First Aid Kits
Hot/Cold Therapy
Resuscitation & CPR
Tapes & Strapping
Scissors & Tweezers
Wound Care
Advanced Life Support & Equipment
Airway Management
Emergency Bags & Boxes
Injection & Infusion
Surgical Instruments
Trauma Equipment
Industrial Floor Mats
Logo & Promotional Mats
Entrance Mats
Outdoor Mats
Anti-Fatigue Mats
Health & Safety Mats
Floorcare Consumables
Hygiene Vending
Sanitary Vending
Confectionary Vending
Vending Products
Spill Kits
Drip Trays
Contact Us
Sales: sales@oceansupport.co.uk
Enquiries: info@oceansupport.co.uk
028 90 237 999
39 Old Coach Road, Hillsborough, BT26 6PB
Register No: NI069216